Gabapentin reduces preoperative anxiety and pain catastrophizing in highly anxious patients prior to major surgery: a blinded randomized placebo-controlled trial

Clarke H, Kirkham KR, Orser BA, Katznelson R, Mitsakakis N, Ko R, Snyman A, Ma M, Katz J. (2013) Can J Anaesth. 60(5):432-43. Abstract INTRODUCTION: Gabapentin is increasingly being used for the treatment of postoperative pain and a variety of psychiatric diseases, including chronic anxiety disorders. Trials have reported mixed results when gabapentin has been administered […]

Hyperpolarization-activated current (In) is reduced in hippocampal neurons from Gabra5-/- mice

Bonin RP, Zurek AA, Yu J, Bayliss DA, Orser BA. (2013) PLoS One. 8(3):e58679. Abstract Changes in the expression of γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors can either drive or mediate homeostatic alterations in neuronal excitability. A homeostatic relationship between α5 subunit-containing GABAA (α5GABAA) receptors that generate a tonic inhibitory conductance, and HCN channels that […]

Potentiation of GABAA receptor activity by volatile anaesthetics is reduced by α5GABAA receptor-preferring inverse agonists

Lecker I, Yin Y, Wang DS, Orser BA. (2013) Br J Anaesth. Suppl 1:i73-81. Abstract BACKGROUND: Animal studies have shown that memory deficits in the early post-anaesthetic period can be prevented by pre-treatment with an inverse agonist that preferentially inhibits α5 subunit-containing γ-aminobutyric acid type A (α5GABAA) receptors. The goal of this in vitro study […]


Orser Lab Christmas Party Antonello’s Farewell Party Summer Cottage Retreat


Bev’s Birthday Post-Grant Cottage Retreat


Around the Lab Summer Students 3rd Annual Lab BBQ Cross-Country Ski Trip


Andrew Baker, MD, FRCPC Email: Position(s): Professor at the University of Toronto in the Departments of Anesthesia, Surgery and Institute of Medical Sciences Director, Cara Phelan Centre for Trauma Research, St. Michael’s Hospital Scientist, Keenan Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’ Hospital Medical Director, Trauma and Neurosurgery Program and Intensive Care […]

Graduate Students

PhD Students Mei Yu Degree(s) Obtained to Date: BSc Joined the lab: July 2022 Email: Hello! I really enjoy thinking about biochemical mechanisms like protein-protein interactions and ultimately, how they play a role in behavior! As a result, I’m looking at interactions that affect surface expression of α5GABA receptors after exposure to anesthesia in […]