Thalamic δ-subunit containing GABAA receptors promote electrocortical signatures of deep non-REM sleep but do not mediate the effects of etomidate at the thalamus in vivo

Mesbah-Oskui L, Orser BA, Horner RL. (2014) J Neurosci. 34(37):12253-66 Abstract Extrasynaptic δ-subunits containing GABAA receptors (δGABAARs) are sensitive targets for several commonly used hypnotic agents and mediate tonic neuronal inhibition. δGABAARs are highly expressed within the thalamus and their activation promotes a switch from tonic to burst firing in vitro. Here we test two […]

Anesthetic neurotoxicity–clinical implications of animal models

Rappaport BA, Suresh S, Hertz S, Evers AS, Orser BA. (2015) N Engl J Med. 372(9):796-7. Abstract Some anesthetics and sedatives have been shown to cause neurotoxic effects in laboratory animals. The FDA collaboration SmartTots recommends undertaking large-scale clinical studies and avoiding nonurgent surgical procedures requiring anesthesia in children younger than 3 years of age. […]

Hydrogen peroxide increases GABA(A) receptor-mediated tonic current in hippocampal neurons

Penna A, Wang DS, Yu J, Lecker I, Brown PM, Bowie D, Orser BA. (2014) J Neurosci. 34(32):10624-34. Abstract Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a key reactive oxygen species, is produced at low levels during normal cellular metabolism and at higher concentrations under pathological conditions such as ischemia-reperfusion injury. The mechanisms by which H2O2 contributes to physiological and pathological […]

Repeated intermittent alcohol exposure during the third trimester-equivalent increases expression of the GABA(A) receptor δ subunit in cerebellar granule neurons and delays motor development in rats

Diaz MR, Vollmer CC, Zamudio-Bulcock PA, Vollmer W, Blomquist SL, Morton RA, Everett JC, Zurek AA, Yu J, Orser BA, Valenzuela CF. (2014) Neuropharmacology. 79:262-74. Abstract Exposure to ethanol (EtOH) during fetal development can lead to long-lasting alterations, including deficits in fine motor skills and motor learning. Studies suggest that these are, in part, a […]

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increase insulin release from beta cells by inhibiting ATP-sensitive potassium channels

Li J, Zhang N, Ye B, Ju W, Orser B, Fox JE, Wheeler MB, Wang Q, Lu WY. (2007) Br J Pharmacol. 151(4):483-93. Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) incidentally induce hypoglycemia, which is often seen in diabetic patients receiving sulphonylureas. NSAIDs influence various ion channel activities, thus they may cause hypoglycemia […]

α5GABAA receptors regulate the intrinsic excitability of mouse hippocampal pyramidal neurons

Bonin RP, Martin LJ, MacDonald JF, Orser BA. (2007) J Neurophysiol. 98(4):2244-54. Abstract GABAA receptors generate both phasic and tonic forms of inhibition. In hippocampal pyramidal neurons, GABAA receptors that contain the α5 subunit generate a tonic inhibitory conductance. The physiological role of this tonic inhibition is uncertain, although α5GABAA receptors are known to influence hippocampal-dependent learning […]

TRPM7 channels in hippocampal neurons detect levels of extracellular divalent cations

Wei WL, Sun HS, Olah ME, Sun X, Czerwinska E, Czerwinski W, Mori Y, Orser BA, Xiong ZG, Jackson MF, Tymianski M, MacDonald JF. (2007) Proc Natl Acad Sci. 104(41):16323-8. Abstract Exposure to low Ca2+ and/or Mg2+ is tolerated by cardiac myocytes, astrocytes, and neurons, but restoration to normal divalent cation levels paradoxically causes Ca2+ […]

GABAA receptor subtypes underlying general anesthesia

Bonin RP, Orser BA. (2008) Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 90(1):105-12. Abstract General anesthetics produce a constellation of behavioral responses and widespread neurodepression. Recent studies have implicated the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) subtype A receptor as a primary anesthetic target. During the past decade, considerable progress has been made in dissecting the behavioral effects of anesthetics according to the subunit […]