Ketamine increases the function of γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors in hippocampal and cortical neurons

Wang DS, Penna A, Orser BA. (2017) Anesthesiology 126(4): 666-677 Abstract BACKGROUND: The “dissociative ” general anesthetic ketamine is a well-known N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist. However, whether ketamine, at clinically relevant concentrations, increases the activity of inhibitory γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor type A (GABAA) receptors in different brain regions remains controversial. Here, the authors studied the effects […]

α5 GABAA receptors mediate tonic inhibition in the spinal cord dorsal horn and contribute to the resolution of hyperalgesia

Perez-Sanchez J, Lorenzo LE, Zurek A, Labrakakis C, Bridgwater E, Orser BA. (2017) Journal of Neuroscience Research 65(6): 1307-1318 Abstract: Neuronal inhibition mediated by GABAA receptors constrains nociceptive processing in the spinal cord, and loss of GABAergic inhibition can produce allodynia and hyperalgesia. Extrasynaptic α5 subunit-containing GABAA receptors (α5GABAA Rs) generate a tonic conductance that inhibits […]

Single and repeated exposures to the volatile anesthetic isoflurane do not impair operant performance in aged rats

Walters JL, Chelonis JJ, fogle CM, Orser BA, Paule MG. (2016) Neurotoxicology 56: 159-169 Abstract: Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction (POCD) is a complication that can occur in the elderly after anesthesia and surgery and is characterized by impairments in information processing, memory, and executive function. Currently, it is unclear whether POCD is due to the effects of surgery, […]

α5GABAA receptors mediate tonic inhibition in the spinal cord dorsal horn and constrain nociception

Perez-Sanchez J, Lorenzo Le, Zurek A, Labrakakis C, Bridgwater E, Orser BA, De Koninck Y, Bonin R. (2017) Journal of Neuroscience 95(6): 1307-1318 Abstract Neuronal inhibition mediated by GABAA receptors constrains nociceptive processing in the spinal cord, and loss of GABAergic inhibition can produce allodynia and hyperalgesia. Extrasynaptic α5 subunit-containing GABAA receptors (α5GABAA Rs) generate a tonic conductance […]

δGABAA receptors are necessary for synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus: implications for memory behavior

Whissell PD, Avramescu S, Wang DS, Orser BA. (2016) Anesth Analg Abstract: BACKGROUND: Extrasynaptic γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors that contain the δ subunit (δGABAA receptors) contribute to memory performance. Dysregulation of δGABAA receptor expression, which occurs in some neurological disorders, is associated with memory impairment. Mice lacking δGABAA receptors (Gabrd) exhibit deficits in […]

α5GABAA receptor deficiency causes autism-like behaviors

Zurek AA, Kemp SW, Aga Z, Walker S, Milenkovic M, Ramsey AJ, Sibille E, Scherer SW, and Orser BA. (2016) Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 3(5):392-8 Abstract: The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), which affect over 1% of the population, has increased twofold in recent years. Reduced expression of GABAA receptors has been observed in postmortem […]

Inflammation increases neuronal sensitivity to general anesthetics

Avramescu S, Wang DS, Lecker I, To WTH, Penna A, Whissell PD, Mesbah-Oskui L, Horner RL and Orser BA. (2015) Anesthesiology (in press) Abstract Background: Critically ill patients with severe inflammation often exhibit heightened sensitivity to general anesthetics; however, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Inflammation increases the number of GABAA receptors expressed on the surface […]

α6-Containing GABAA Receptors Are the Principal Mediators of Inhibitory Synapse Strengthening by Insulin in Cerebellar Granule Cells

Accardi Mv, Brown PM, Miraucourt LS, Orser BA, Bowie D. (2015) J Neurosci 35(26): 9676-88 Abstract Activity-dependent strengthening of central synapses is a key factor driving neuronal circuit behavior in the vertebrate CNS. At fast inhibitory synapses, strengthening is thought to occur by increasing the number of GABAA receptors (GABARs) of the same subunit composition to […]