δ-subunit containing GABA-A receptors modulate respiratory networks

Montandon G, Wu H, Liu H, Vu M, Orser BA, Horner RL. (2017) Scientific Reports 7(1):18105 Abstract Persistent and stable respiratory activity across behavioral states is key to homeostasis. Extrasynaptic δ-subunit containing GABAA receptors(δGABAARs) mediate tonic inhibition and regulate network activity. However, the influence of δGABAARs on respiratory rhythm and motor outputs is unknown. We manipulated extra-synaptic GABAA receptor function in the preBötzinger […]

SmartTots update regarding anesthetic neurotoxicity in the developing brain

Orser BA, Suresh S, Evers AS. (2018) Anes & Anal. (In press) Abstract SmartTots (http://smarttots.org/) represents a public-private partnership between the International Anesthesia Research Society and the US Food and Drug Administration. Over the past 7 years, SmartTots has worked in collaboration with various stakeholders to determine whether anaesthetic drugs have detrimental effects on the developing brain. SmartTots has funded clinical […]


Antonello Visiting the Lab


Escape Room     Summer Cottage Retreat Annual Kirk Weber Dinner


Irene’s Defense Party Summer Cottage Retreat

BEYOND THE MASK: Interview with Dr. Beverley Orser

Dr. Jane Cooke-Lauder interviewed Dr. Beverley Orser on what it takes to be a leader. Dr. Orser summarized her key points using four C’s and three S’s. To read the full interview, check out the Spring Newsletter 2017 from the OMA.

Anesthetics may cause prolonged memory loss, study finds

Our JCI “Sustained increase in α5GABAA receptor function impairs memory after anesthesia” paper is receiving a lot of attention, as it debunks a common belief that “brain function returns to normal once anesthetics are eliminated from the brain”. Dr. Beverley Orser was recently interviewed by the Globe and Mail to discuss our new findings: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/health/anesthetics-may-cause-prolonged-memory-loss-study-finds/article21506749/

Is there still a place for opioids?

Drs. Stephen Choi, Frances Wright, Hannah Wunsch, and Beverley Orser providing their expert opinion on the hot topic of opioids. To read the full article, please visit: http://sunnybrook.ca/research/content/?page=sri-magazine-2016-place-for-opioids

New U of T patent targets brain fog left behind by anesthesia

Congratulations to Dr. Beverley Orser and everyone in the Orser Lab! Our newest patent (no. 9,517,265) is for a class of drugs that target a receptor in the brain that blocks the ability to make new memories. To read the full article, please visit: https://www.utoronto.ca/news/new-u-t-patent-targets-brain-fog-left-behind-anesthesia?utm_source=Bulletin&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=News&utm_campaign=eViews For more information about the patent: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20130302352A1/en?inventor=beverley+orser